Welcome to our specially curated platform for Alternative Healing and Alternative Therapies. Thinkliving has been purpose-built to provide you a platform for reaching out to a vast, ever-growing number of people looking for alternative systems of healing and well-being. You can help us with our mission to create a world full of holistic lifestyles.
Therapies Offered on Thinkliving Platform
We are currently offering 20 Alternative Therapies on our Platform. Any single therapy is available either Online or Offline. You can, therefore, either register for Online Services or Offline Services, not for both together.
Online Services:
If you are an energy practitioner of Therapies listed under Online Services, you will be able to display your availability on an online calendar and conduct online sessions with clients. Do go through ‘How To Manage Your Calendar’ Tutorial Video on this page, Practitioner Contract and Guidelines on our Website to gain an understanding of the process and our contract with you.
Bach Flower Therapy | Diet& Nutrition Therapies | Feng Shui | Life Skills Coaching | Numerology | Pranic Healing | Reiki | Tarot Cards | ThetaHealing
Offline Services:
If you are an energy practitioner of Therapies listed under Offline Services, your contact details along with your Name/Clinic Name will be displayed on our website for Clients to access. Do go through Practitioner Contract on our Website to gain an understanding of our contract with you.
Acupressure | Acupuncture | Art Therapy | Ayurveda | CraniosacralTherapy | Crystal Healing | Homeopathy | Hypnotherapy | Past Life Regression | Redikall Healing | Vastu | Yoga
Signup process

Signup process
For Online Practitioners
Thinkliving has taken special care to help you manage your time with clients through our Online Appointment Scheduling Service. You can conduct your sessions online through our audio-visual appointment service.
Thinkliving makes reach and connectivity with existing and potential clients more streamlined, helping you and your clients find each other easier.
Thinkliving gives you the opportunity to schedule appointments on our Online Appointment Scheduling Service, making the entire scheduling process efficient.
Thinkliving allows you to conduct sessions online, giving you access to a much wider base of customers, helping you help people that aren’t necessarily in the same geographic location.
Online Appointment Scheduling Service
Appointments booked by clients on Thinkliving go directly into a calendar that makes planning a lot more efficient. You can also sync the calendar to your Google Calendar to streamline your Offline and Online Appointments, making the entire scheduling process less cumbersome. Clients can view your booked slots and schedule their appointment accordingly.

Audio-Visual Appointment Service
Cut down distances and have the opportunity to help people from the comfort of your home or clinic with our Audio-Visual Appointment Service. This opens up audiences you previously couldn't access and allows you to conduct appointments across thousands of kilometres.Payments
Thinkliving will collect payments from Registered Users before they book an appointment with you. Payments will be made to you by Thinkliving, post your session with Registered Users, after deducting the Thinkliving Service Fee and Miscellaneous Charges. Details of Thinkliving Service Fee and Miscellaneous Charges will be communicated to you in our Confirmation Email, once you’ve submitted your Registration Form for Confirmation.
How To Manage Your Calendar